Read This Next . . .

SOME QUICK NOTES HERE before you look at videos or read the other posts listed under "Choose a Post Below" on the right:
  1. My recommended source for where to get either a Vitamix or Blendtec blender is The Raw Food World. You can also click on their Super Store box (with the butterfly) near the top of the column to the right. When you get to their site, note the "Categories" list on the left. Click on "Appliances." Then click on "Blenders and Food Processors." You're there!

  2. One reason I like The Raw Food World is that they carry the brand-new 4-inch blade/carafe for the Blendtec. Though they are my first recommended source, I'll also provide some direct page links to Vitamix and Blendtec blenders on, since they carry a few more models of the Vitamix.

  3. You don't at all have to choose a raw food diet to enjoy and benefit from one of these power blenders. My own diet isn't only raw foods. As it happens, though, so-called "raw foodists" are among the most enthusiastic and constant users of these super blenders. So the videos here are largely from raw-food people.

  4. Among those people are Matt Monarch and his wife, Angela Stokes-Monarch, who operate The Raw Food World. One of the posts to the right is about Angela, who lost 160 pounds in two years on a raw food diet. Matt, who appears in some of the videos, I found to be, well...maybe unique is the word! (And I mean that in the best possible way!)

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